Friday, May 31, 2013

friday favorites: a beautiful mess app

I am sure as soon as you saw the first picture, you knew what this post was going to be about. But I really couldn't pass up another Friday Favorites without talking about the best photo editing app, A Beautiful Mess's App. I am so happy these two talented ladies created this. They never cease to amaze me with the things they come up with. Don't mind my wonky picture sizes, because if you follow me on instagram, you know I love the white borders thanks to the second best app, Afterlight. Back to this app, there really isn't anything bad I can say about it, because it's awesome! From fonts to doodles to borders and filters, this app has everything. It only costs $0.99 for the general package and you can upgrade from there. You can't go wrong.

Instagram has always been my favorite, and this adds a whole new "fun-ness" to it. There are so many different options for every picture. I know, like you needed another app and more decisions for your pictures. I could spend so much time on one picture with all these apps! But really, celebrities like Ginnifer Goodwin are picking this thing up. Do you need any more reason? Now go edit like crazy (even though most of you already are!).


  1. I love playing around with tho app The only thing is that now my pictures have the same details and borders as all the other people on my feed!

  2. Totally my style! Thanks so much for the tip...

    Kate from Clear the Way


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