Friday, May 24, 2013

friday favorites: gorgeous blogger spaces

>> A Beautiful Mess <<
>> Yesterday's Sweetheart <<
There is a never ending amount of inspiration circling around the blogging world. It's one of the reasons why I love it so much. It's an infinite pile of resources, ideas, and things you would have never thought up on your own. When it comes to bloggers and their homes, it is no different. Some of my favorite posts to read are the ones where they open up their homes and share the collection of items that makes their space unique. There's usually some pretty neat DIY's thrown in there too, and we all know I love those.

These ladies did not disappoint! The way they created their own space looks effortless, and I love the added pops of color, along with those white eames replica chairs, I swoon! I hope this cheered your friday up like it did mine. Lord knows we all need somethin' pretty to stare at and get lost in sometimes.


I adore reading all of your sweet comments!