shirt: thrifted blazer: H&M necklace: F21 belt: thrifted skirt: F21 bracelets: F21 shoes: Go Jane
So you know the whole "Olympics" thing going on right now? If you don't, well then planet earth must not be your home. Anyways, I am not big into sports. Like really, no sports at all will keep my attention to watch for longer than five minutes. Jared likes to call me "un-American" because I don't want to watch the Olympics for six hours in a row, or football for that matter. GASP. I mean, there is only so many times you can watch runners that look like hungry African children run around in a circle. But the past couple of nights, for the first time, the Olympics have caught my attention thanks to women's gymnastics and beach volleyball. These women have ahh-mazing talent. And they make me wish I was in shape and flexible. But even when I did gymnastics, I was a bit too heavy and a bit too inflexible. So again, sports were really never my thing. But today my friends, I can finally call myself a true American for wanting to watch the Olympics for a longer period of time than to see male gymnasts. Now that, my friend, is a true talent. Anyone that can get their arms to be the size of their legs is a winner in my book.
Would anyone else consider themselves un-American when it comes to sports? Or am I the only one?
oh what I wouldn't do to be able to wear a blazer right now. come on fall weather! (you are adorable). oh and I'm the same way, I watch women's gymnastics but that's about it. Their arms are craaaazy!
I'm a big sports fan but the Olympics this year are boring me. Though I'm blaming NBC for showing it all so late so that we already know who won. So lame. Love your blazer :)
I know you probably didn't mean to but I found the description "hungry African children" to be extremely rude not to mention out of place. I can assure you that a hungry African child looks nothing like the athletes I've been watching during the Olympics, assuming we've been looking at the same athletes.
Maybe it's because I'm African that I've taken it personally but I found your statement to be very offensive. Perhaps in future you should refrain from using those terms to describe anyone or anything besides, perhaps, hungry African children themselves.
I am so very sorry that this offended you. That is never the hope of my blog and what I write. Thank you for sharing your concern and making me take a step back and helping me to learn to hold my tongue. I want this blog to be an encouraging place, not a hurtful one. Again, I am sorry for any offense.
I've been reading your blog pretty much since it started and know that you're not the kind of person who'd intentionally say something mean. To be honest, I felt horrible about being so blunt and that's why I came back to this post, to apologize if what I said offended you!
Your reply just affirmed how nice a person you must be and truly, from the bottom of my heart, I wish you and and your blog all the best!! Thank you for your response Amy. Have a great weekend.
oh what I wouldn't do to be able to wear a blazer right now. come on fall weather! (you are adorable). oh and I'm the same way, I watch women's gymnastics but that's about it. Their arms are craaaazy!
I'm a big sports fan but the Olympics this year are boring me. Though I'm blaming NBC for showing it all so late so that we already know who won. So lame. Love your blazer :)
oh my, you are so cute! love the outfit!
Hope you’re having a great Thursday, one day closer to Friday! Drop by and say hello!
so cool!
I know you probably didn't mean to but I found the description "hungry African children" to be extremely rude not to mention out of place. I can assure you that a hungry African child looks nothing like the athletes I've been watching during the Olympics, assuming we've been looking at the same athletes.
Maybe it's because I'm African that I've taken it personally but I found your statement to be very offensive. Perhaps in future you should refrain from using those terms to describe anyone or anything besides, perhaps, hungry African children themselves.
I am so very sorry that this offended you. That is never the hope of my blog and what I write. Thank you for sharing your concern and making me take a step back and helping me to learn to hold my tongue. I want this blog to be an encouraging place, not a hurtful one. Again, I am sorry for any offense.
I've been reading your blog pretty much since it started and know that you're not the kind of person who'd intentionally say something mean. To be honest, I felt horrible about being so blunt and that's why I came back to this post, to apologize if what I said offended you!
Your reply just affirmed how nice a person you must be and truly, from the bottom of my heart, I wish you and and your blog all the best!! Thank you for your response Amy. Have a great weekend.
Lovely outfit, I've always liked leopard and red combinations.
xo erica
I adore this look! The belt adds a nice touch :)
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