Friday, January 25, 2013

friday favorites: a day of praise

I am not sure if you remember, but I talked vaguely about a health issue HERE. When I was writing that post, I remember the empty feeling I had and the pit in my stomach because I wasn't sure where the journey of this health issue was going to take me. I did not know what God's plan was and truth be told, I was scared.

Yesterday, I had what I hoped would be a final doctor appointment to get this mess all sorted out. After the culture sample, blood test, MRI, and ultrasound, and waiting around to see if  had to have more tests, I was finally cleared! The doctor examined my breast (while telling me I had a cool tattoo. Professional? Uh? Still questioning it) and told me that we had basically run this thing into the ground and since everything came back normal and non cancerous, and since I have no family history of breast cancer, there should be nothing to worry about. It is just a part of who I am and it will hopefully sort itself out. Hallelujah!

I am not a very emotional person. I usually keep things to myself most of the time. So while on the outside I may have looked normal walking out of that cold doctor's office, the emotion inside of me was happy and lighter since a boulder felt like it had been lifted off my shoulder. I felt a peace that only comes from one place.

So today as well as yesterday, I am thanking God for the outcome of this situation. He has my life in His hands and you know what? He knows what he's doing. Thanks, big guy.

Also, I just wanted to thank all of you lovely followers for your support. Knowing that there are prayers being sent for you all over the country is a pretty cool feeling. You rock.



Carly said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Oh thank goodness! I'm so glad! And what a perfect way to start the weekend!


Coutney said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Oh yay!! What a huge blessing to hear that at the start of the weekend!

xo, Courtney

Aimee said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

This is such a touching post! I love hearing about how God can lift you up even in times of pain and worry! I'm so glad you're okay and have nothing to be afraid of! God bless you :)

themosbysinchina said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Awesome! So thankful for you to receive good news! Hope you have a restful, peace filled weekend knowing everything is okay!

haha. The tattoo. We live in China and I had a breast exam the other day and the female doctor told me "it's a beautiful boob" in a Chinese accent, while doing the exam. Hahhaa. I mean I thought they were pretty nice... but she made it official. I mean she is an MD. hahahah. ;)

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

YAY! SO happy you are okay! Answered prayers are awesome!

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